Priority re booking explained: we give priority of places to our current swimmers for every course, this means they are able to continue to progress with us and achieve all seven of the Aqua Aims Learn to Swim Stages and for parents to request to keep their current swim day and time, where possible*. Priority re booking dates for each new course are shown on your Swim Location tab shown below:
Lee Chapel Earls Hall Quilters
*Please note: in very rare cases, even if you have sent your fees during the Priority Re- booking period to request to keep your current swim day & time this may not be possible. Your swimmer (s) may need to be moved to be re-grouped with others of their swim ability / stage, if this occurs, you will be advised and offered an alternative day/time/location & cost (if a different local location) & if any of the alternatives offered do not suit your requirements, you will be given a full refund at this time.
If you pay your fees during priority re booking to secure a place but need a different day & time for the next course, please call us to discuss options available & if any of the alternatives offered do not suit your requirements, you will be given a full refund at this time.
Please note: our normal T&C’s apply once confirmation of new day and time have been agreed and booked for you.